
Pastor Norman Thomas First Baptist Church Gresham Rd

Pastor Norman H. Thomas, Jr.

NORMAN H. THOMAS, JR. was born to Drs. Norman and Inez Thomas on July 23, 1974. He, along with his sister, Angela Bethea, grew up in the Metro Atlanta area and attended schools in both Atlanta and in DeKalb County. He accepted Christ at the tender age
of nine at The Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Reverend Hubert Floyd Shepherd.

He graduated from Southwest DeKalb High School in 1992 and was admitted to Morehouse College. While there, he had the opportunity to play college football as a wide receiver and was awarded an athletic scholarship during his last two years. By the grace of God,
he graduated from Morehouse with honors, receiving the Bachelor of
Science Degree in Early Childhood Education, in 1996. Reverend
Thomas engaged in further study at The Interdenominational Theological Center, but completed the Master of Arts Degree in Educational Leadership from the State University of West Georgia in 2002. Additionally, he took courses toward the Doctorate Degree in Administration and Supervision.

The year, 1996, was an awesome and memorable one. During his senior year, he accepted the call to the ministry and was licensed as a Baptist Minister in January. He also began his professional career as a teacher in the Atlanta Public School System. He found his purpose that year and began the journey to unite his call into the ministry with his profession as an educator, discovering that they were intertwined because both involved serving others while serving God. Reverend Thomas has been recognized for his commitment to his students and their success, both formally and informally. He was awarded the prestigious recognition of Teacher of the Year at Margaret Mitchell Elementary School in Atlanta for the 1999-2000 school year.

As a result of his efforts and God’s grace, in January 2006, Reverend Thomas was promoted to the position of Assistant Principal at Meadowview Elementary School in DeKalb County. Two years later, he was blessed to become the principal at Meadowview where he served until June 2015. After a stellar career with the DeKalb County School System, he has taken on the awesome responsibility of joining his wife, Rondah, in serving as Owner and Director of Christine Elizabeth Academy on Gresham Road which provides a quality education for students in grades 1-4 and is well-known for producing outstanding students. Reverend Thomas currently serves as the principal at Cedar Grove Elementary School in DeKalb County.

As a member and, later on, a minister of the Gospel at Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church (House of Hope), Reverend Thomas served in and led several ministries to include the following: Children and Youth choirs, Ushers, Baptist Boys Camp Council, Sunday School Teacher, Assistant to the Director of Christian Education, Athletics Ministry Coach, Teachers’ Training Instructor, Family and Marriage Counselor and Youth and Children’s Pastor for over 300 students.

In 2008, God led Reverend Thomas to First Baptist Church of Gresham Road where he became a candidate for Pastor. At the conclusion of the pastoral search process in January of 2009, Reverend Thomas was anointed by God and elected by the members of First Baptist Church to serve as their pastor.  He feels blessed to be among such a wonderful group of people who worship God in spirit and in truth and diligently serve the larger community.

He is married to his best friend, Rondah Janeen Quashie Thomas, and together they have four beautiful children: Lauren, Norman III, Lindsay and Londyn.

Meet Our Staff

Our Directional Leadership Team works together to shape the vision and direction of Find Faith

Cathy Jackson

Cathy Jackson

Administrative Assistant/Church Secretary

Worship With Us

Sunday School 9:00 a.m. (Adults and Children) Worship Service 10:00 am
Bible Study - Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm

2394 Gresham Rd SE
Atlanta GA 30316
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