Welcome To First Baptist Church Gresham Rd

We are a community-oriented Church in the Gresham Park area of the McNair Cluster. In any community, what you get out of it is directly related to what you put into it. You will be so much more fulfilled when you move from sitting on the sidelines to getting actively involved in the many activities and life of our church. God places each of us here in this place and time for a purpose. He has good things He wants to accomplish in our world through our lives together. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, express our love for Jesus by participating actively in this church and our local community. Sink your roots deeply in this faith community, and allow God to bear good fruit through you!
All for Christ,
Pastor Norman and First Lady Rondah Thomas
Worship With Us
Sunday School 9:00 a.m. (Adults and Children)
Worship Service 10:00 am
Bible Study - Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm
2394 Gresham Rd SE
Atlanta GA 30316
But you don’t have to walk alone.
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Upcoming Events
Reading Tutorial Preparation for the Georgia Milestone. Focus Students 3rd and 5th grade For more info email evettelemon@gmail.com or call...
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Check out what we’ve been up to within the church and our community on our Instagram page.